Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nikolas is one decade old today!

Happy happy birthday to my little monkey today. You are a perfect 10 in my book! We had a fabulous party for him with some fantastic kids. We rented the Waiheke Rec Center for a couple of hours, and the kids had a blast playing soccer and hockey, and then, get this, a new twist on the pinata. Dave taped up about 100 balloons to the wall with candy taped to the back of each of them. The kids lined up and tried blasting soccer balls (or basketballs) to hit the balloons. The balloons would (!)pop(!) and candy would fall down. It was a hit! The kids are at such a fun age. Just add balls and they have fun!

I made a chocolate cake (which Nikolas said was "brilliant"--- awwww!). We also had hokey-pokey icecream (it's a NZ thing) and home-made bread and carrots with hummus.

I'm so appreciative of the friends that our kids have made here. This group of kids are all awesome. I wish I had more pictures of the the ball sports, but I was too busy running around the gym myself. :-)

He also got some great presents this year. He got a lot of soccer gear and some great books. Grandma and Grandpa sent him a soccer outfit from Peru (which he is showing off here with Isaac's birthday Peruvian shirt as well), and a FIFA world cup soccer ball. The real thing, and HUGE hits!

All in all it was a great day. They played soccer in the morning (and by the way, despite what you may have heard, I did not commit a yellow-card foul in the pick-up game afterward! That was another mom!) And then we spent most of the day blowing up balloons and taping candy to each of them. Great day with great people! Happy birthday to Nikolas!
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