Friday, January 15, 2010

Isaac's interpretational dance

He was quite embarrassed when I showed him the video I captured of him employing the umbrella as a shield and the handle as a dagger; but I found it quite creative. He explained that he was engaging in combat as per the web-game, "Warlords" that he and Nikolas enjoy playing early mornings before the parents wake up...

Monday, January 4, 2010


They don't play football or baseball very much here. They play rugby and cricket, so we've been having fun learning new sports. We got to play a little at a picnic on Christmas Eve. Here's a picture of Isaac as wicket keeper and their friend Gabe batting.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Oh joy! We went to fly our new kite at Whakenewha Reserve, about 25 minute drive from our house. The wind was a little light, but we still had a great time.

P.S. Just a fun aside: Whakanewha has the island's only "cascading waters" (or"wai heke"), so I've been dying to go to see our island's namesake, especially when I found it was located in a place pronounced "Fock'n-Ay-fa" (ooh, how dirty!). We didn't make it to the water fall on this trip (this was the day that Isaac stepped on a bee), but we'll go back.

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