Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Bus

It's so exciting! The kids get to ride the bus to school, and they love it. The bus stop is right by the beach, but they do have to cross a busy road to get there, so Dave and I walk down with them. Right by the beach, early morning, we're happy to do it!

Here they are waiting, and it's raining so they are wearing hats and slickers, but it's a warm, refreshing rain and you know it will be sunny within the hour.

It's a pretty nice walk down to the bus stop too (next picture).

Whoops! Some mornings, admittedly, we have to run to the bus stop.

You have to make sure you get on the right bus, the one that says Te Huruhi Primary and not Waiheke Primay, Rocky Bay, Surfdale, or Onetangi. All of them come by our bus stop while we're waiting.
On the first day they rode the bus, the bus driver and other kids welcomed them aboard. The kids are very friendly and inclusive here. "Hey Nikolas! Nikolas! Isaac! Over here! Sit here next to us!" This little girl leaning out of the bus to talk to them is in Nikolas' class.

Another thing that surprised me about the bus is that it is extremely punctual, up to German standards. We've ridden the morning bus 5 times now, and every day it showed up at exactly 8:01, never before and never after.

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  1. The "greeting girl" on the bus might just be Nik's new love interest. Ginger hair, Kiwi-accent, who could resist.

  2. OK, Jenn and I can't resist. No meddling.
