Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jenn has Guinea Pig Flu or something

Jenn hasn't been allowed to sleep in the same room with any of us since arriving on the island. She is a coughing, wheezing, mucus factory. Tonight we are trying a NZ natural remedy: Black Adder Liquorice Tea with Manuka Honey (and some Johnnie Walker Red for good measure). We ran out of the good single malt stuff aquired at Duty Free while bording with Bryon and Amy and Pascal (hereafter referred to as "BAP"). BAP own two Guinea Pigs, see Figure 1 ( I suspect the pigs as the source of all our misery.

Figure 2 is a representative image (n=1) of what Jenn's sleeping space looks like in the morning. The rubbish bin was empty the previous night (we don't have "trash" in NZ, we have "rubbish". i.e. Drinking Jonnie Walker Red is a sign you might just be white rubbish.) A box of 200 Home Brand tissues from the local Woolworth Store stands at the ready.
Despite her quarantine to the living room the virus has managed to infect the rest of us to varying degrees. I tried some swimming in Oneroa Bay on Friday to see if I could get the upper hand on the bug--it was a classic "freeze out" war: Protein encapsulated nucleic acid vs. the "Higher Organism" swimming at 36 deg. south lattitude in July--the map shows the water temperature off the coast of NZ's only known three cities (

The freeze out battle was conceded to the pseudo-life form, but the war has just begun. If the viroid does not submit to an immediate unconditional surrunder I will take it to Christchurch for some 10C swiming. If linearity still holds south of the equator and adjusting for the Coriolis effect, I estimate that 10C = 18+32, or just about 50F. Johnnie goes marching on...


  1. An "on the phone consultation" with a local medical centre diagnosed Jenn with H1N1 (aka swine flu)--I still think BAP's Guinea pig is the vector.

  2. After about 3 weeks, Jenn is finally feeling better and coughing less--but she has cracked a rib or strained an intercostal muscle from all the hacking. The kids had a much easier time with this virus--reminiscent of past notorious influenzas that were most virulent in young, healthy adults.

  3. Art says: Get well before I visit
