Isaac requested a pineapple upside cake, which was the cake my mom always made for my birthdays; Whew! I'm glad he wanted a cake I knew how to make, and this one turned out especially good! It was way too windy to light the candles (oh, we tried, but couldn't do it), but he did get to blow out the big "7" candle. Actually, while we were cleaning up, we noticed the seagulls had all started in on the cake, so no left overs there.
Going after the "Dickey Moe" pinata with a cricket bat and a grocery bag as a blind fold. This was probably the highlight for the kids as they all took turns going after it, although Dave and I wondered if we really should be encouraging to kids to hit a whale as hard as they could. Oh well. Dickey Moe was one tough whale, and it took a big 13 year brother to finally whack it hard enough to break it. (This pinata was built and re-enforced by engineers).
One final thing. The day started out windy! (Check out the video). Dave took a few hours break for wind surfing. It had to be done! I thought we might need to move the party to our house, but Little Oneroa was protected and by evening it had calmed down to breezy.